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With Our Curated Collections

Wayne, the sourdough Starter

The Perfect Gift
for any occasion


Art for All

A curated collection of art under $1,000.

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Are you a curious collector? An avid food explorer? 

At ByCloudia, we believe in making the most of the simple moments. Exploring cultures through travel, food, and interiors. 

We specialize in curating the hard to find, the one of the kind, and the decadent. Discover Tu Dulce Vida!

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Sourced in Italy

We are grateful to have spent some time exploring the quiet streets of the Italian countryside. We were able to visit Puglia, one of the ceramic meccas of Italy.

We had a great time learning about the craft from true masters, and we brought some of the pieces home to the states for you to enjoy!

Check out our ‘Sourced in Italy’ collection.

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Happiness Begins at Home