“Salt Marshes at Galveston” by Robert Wymer


30.5”H x 28.5”L x 1” D

Acrylic on walnut panel

Plein air painting

Robert Wymer, a seasoned artist, finds his muse in the vibrant landscapes of Florida, particularly during the summer months. Inspired by the region's rich natural beauty and diverse wildlife, he has forged a deep connection with Fort De Soto, one of his cherished havens. Here, he immerses himself in the serene surroundings, capturing the essence of the environment through his skilled use of watercolors and plein air painting techniques.

Wymer's art is a lively and colorful tribute to the lush, green landscapes that envelop him. His work exudes the energy and vivacity of a place teeming with abundant vegetation. His playful and uninhibited approach to his surroundings breathes fresh life into his artistic expressions.

What truly sets Wymer apart is his fearless exploration of color palettes and brushwork. He fearlessly experiments, resulting in an exhilarating and dynamic experience for anyone who engages with his art. Through his work, he invites viewers to share in his awe and delight in the natural wonders of Florida, an experience that is both visually captivating and emotionally invigorating.


Robert Wymer is a talented artist and an expert in the manufacture and restoration of antiques. He was born and raised in San Antonio. He earned a bachelor's in fine arts from the University of Texas at Austin.

Robert comes from a family of artists and is a third generation painter and sculptor. His grandfather, who amassed a huge art collection and carefully taught himself technique and color by meticulously copying the works of masters like Matisse and Rouault, inspired him to pursue creative endeavors. He frequently picked pieces by Gauguin and imitated the original artist by painting them on burlap.

Robert, who presently resides in South Austin, creates anything from abstract pattern studies and allegorical paintings to plein air paintings of Mexican and Southwest landscapes. He bases his paintings on actual objects.He uses acrylic, oil, and watercolor and paints from life, not from photographs.

Robert is a fervent supporter of Christopher Alexander's idea known as pattern language, which he coined as "a technique of defining excellent design practices or patterns of useful organization" as applied to art.

According to Robert, his art is "illustrative and graphic, but also paradoxical. It exemplifies how my mind responds to contemporary culture. It is decorative yet aspires to intellectual weightiness, he continues. In his works, he seeks to portray the tension between opposites, such as the arrogance that technology may inspire.

Robert spent time alone in a Texas Catholic monastery in early 2022, when he participated in a silent retreat and produced paintings. He finished a number of works, some of them recently shown at an exhibit in San Antonio.

A member of the ByCloudia team will reach out to help facilitate shipping.

Austin artist